Public Venues

Theatre consultancy is an art which requires specialized skills, not just the technical details but a detailed performance perspective as well. House of Worships, Performing arts centers, Concert halls, Stadiums, Corporate Auditoriums, Museums, and Opera houses, to name a few areas.

No matter the project type, we put our experience to work creating innovative, flexible, hardworking, and efficient spaces.  

Planning a new performance space or if you are looking for restoring your historic theatre, we can help you bridge the gap between your artistic vision and architectural needs. We work with our clients to understand their needs and give the advice and technical support that will help turn their creative vision into a reality. Our specialists help architects to design spaces that inspire and delight while delivering the best in theatrical functionality, acoustical excellence, visual quality and audience comfort.

We provide planning and design of performance sound reinforcement systems, broadcast facilities, video projection and cinema systems, large format LED and image magnification (IMAG) systems and their related infrastructure for theatres, concert halls, screening rooms, planetariums, IMAX and virtual reality spaces.